
How Tube Amplifier is Big Trend in High-end Audio

by:Gisen     2020-06-02
Tubes are back in time.or did they never leave? Almost abandoned by consumers when, as 1960s, slimmer, lighter, and more powerful transistor amps came out, tube amplification is back with a vengeance. Long liked by many professional musicians, recording engineers, and audiophiles, the warm sound of tubes makes a perfect foil to the fine-etched sound of today's digital channels. Unlike transistors, tube amplifier circuits cannot be directly connected to a loudspeaker, requiring by adding an output transformer to 'match' the tube to the speaker. These output transistors are included in virtually all tube amplifiers. The downside getting this transformer is increased size and weight (don't anticipate to see a tube-type portable MP3 player any time in a little while!) but the upside is that, with connections for other types of speakers (2,4,8, and/or 16-Ohms impedance) available, tube amplifiers typically deliver their full power with any appear system. In other words, you are rarely getting as much 'rated' power in a tube amp, but, because of the output transformer, you receive all the power you paid for delivered to your speakers; which are an important component of home theater systems, just make particular to use the right connection. The impedance of your speaker should be printed on a label next for the connection terminal. It can do say 2, 4, 8, or 16-Ohms. The output transformer, rare in transistorized amps, is the 'secret weapon' for the tube amplifier maker. It allows for great creativity of design, and with that, a more colorful sonic bank. Typically not as powerful as their transistorized counterparts, and requiring a bit more TLC (tubes wear out), tube amplifiers offer an 'ease' of sound and 'rounder' sound for hard to duplicate with more modern designs. For those desiring the sonic signature of tube amplification, but crave to replicate live-sound volume, more powerful tube amplifiers have recently been introduced. For your well-healed music lover, they provide the best of both planets. If you crave the warm sound of tubes, but possibly don't have the deep pockets it will take for a high power tube amp, or you clear examples . 'set it and then forget it' maintenance-free system, a tube preamp (often referred to as a control center) may be an answer. Passing your music through a tube preamplifier onto it way to a transistorized amplifier often imparts just yield that special sonic signature, while providing sufficient power with regard to the most power-hungry speakers. The option is up to your entire family. Just remember that it's the grade of of the design, not the Regarding design that determines the sound.
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