Where is Gisen Audio located?
Guangzhou Gisen Audio Equipment Factory is situated in a convenient place which does not just reduces our price per unit but also boosts the orderly development of our firm. Please visit the "Contact Us" page for information. The sound digital amplifier producer's address is influenced by the form of product substance used, manufacturing and production expenses. The transport here is convenient, and we warmly welcome clients to see our company and factory.

With rich experience in production of music amplifier, Gisen Audio is a pioneer in this industry. Gisen Audio's professional power amplifier series contains multiple sub-products. Gisen Audio homemade sound amplifier differentiates itself with innovative and practical design. It is designed with short circuit and overheating protection to safeguard normal operation. Providing the best quality top 10 power amplifiers is the purposes of our team's service. The product undergoes a series of tests and proves to have high resistance to impact and friction.

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