What should I do once I receive power amplifier imperfections?
Once you receive our power amplifier with any defect, send the pictures of defect details to us, our team will get back to you as soon as possible. According to the defects of varying degrees and your requirements, we will take different measures to address it but ensure the same satisfaction. For example, you can return the defective products to us, and we will arrange another shipment. We can refund the cost of all defective products. Contact us, and we ensure all your problems will be satisfactorily solved without causing any headache.

With the development of society, the reputation of Guangzhou Gisen Audio Equipment Factory in the home theatre power amplifier market has been improved. Gisen Audio's professional power amplifier series contains multiple sub-products. Gisen Audio high quality power amplifier is designed mixing an authentic blend of crafts and innovation. Manufacturing processes such as materials cleaning, molding, laser cutting, and polishing are all carried out by experienced craftsmen using cutting-edge machines. Its surface is well processed by a layer of paint to resist rust. This product is also ideal for winter because it keeps the body warm and creates a feeling of warmth, fluffiness and comfort. Its surface is well processed by a layer of paint to resist rust.

Gisen Audio upholds the idea that enterprise culture plays an important role in the growth of a company. Get info!

With the development of society, the reputation of Guangzhou Gisen Audio Equipment Factory in the home theatre power amplifier market has been improved. Gisen Audio's professional power amplifier series contains multiple sub-products. Gisen Audio high quality power amplifier is designed mixing an authentic blend of crafts and innovation. Manufacturing processes such as materials cleaning, molding, laser cutting, and polishing are all carried out by experienced craftsmen using cutting-edge machines. Its surface is well processed by a layer of paint to resist rust. This product is also ideal for winter because it keeps the body warm and creates a feeling of warmth, fluffiness and comfort. Its surface is well processed by a layer of paint to resist rust.

Gisen Audio upholds the idea that enterprise culture plays an important role in the growth of a company. Get info!
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