
Matching of power amplifier and speaker in sound system

by:Gisen     2020-06-14
????????For the matching problem between the power amplifier and the sound, in addition to the soft matching of the sound (the sound matching is often said to be soft and hard, it is based on the designer's design and materials for the direction of the sound, and the characteristics and personality). Hard collocation on indicators. Soft collocation is the accumulation of experience and personal hobbies based on actual experience. Hard collocation is determined by data and basic technical common sense. The following is a brief description of the problems related to hard collocation. 1. Impedance matching 1. When the tube power amplifier (amplifier) ??is matched with the speaker, the output impedance of the amplifier should be equal to the impedance of the speaker, otherwise there will be phenomena such as reduced output power and increased distortion. Fortunately, most amplifiers have variable output impedance matching interfaces such as 4-8-16 ohms, and impedance matching with speakers has become simpler 2. For the matching of transistor power amplifier (stone machine) and speaker impedance ① When the speaker impedance is higher than the output impedance of the power amplifier, there is no other effect except that the output power is reduced to varying degrees. ②When the impedance of the speaker is lower than the output impedance of the power amplifier, the output power will increase proportionally accordingly, and the degree of distortion will generally not increase or be negligible. However, the impedance of the speaker cannot be too low during matching, such as as low as 2 ohms (refer to when two 4 ohm speakers are connected in parallel). At this time, only the power amplifier power is rich, and high-power tubes and multi-tube parallel push-pull with good performance are used. Has no effect on such power amplifiers. On the contrary, the ordinary amplifier is generally not rich, and the pcm and lcm of the amplifier tube are not large. When the volume is turned on again, the distortion will increase significantly, and the serious opportunity will destroy the box. Please pay attention. 2. Power matching 1. In principle, when the rated power of the speaker is not consistent with the rated power of the power amplifier, for the power amplifier, its power is only related to the impedance of the speaker, not the rated power of the speaker. Regardless of whether the speaker power and the power amplifier power are the same, it has no effect on the work of the power amplifier, but is only related to the safety of the speaker itself. 2. If the impedance of the speaker meets the matching requirements, and the withstand power is smaller than the power of the power amplifier, the power is sufficient, which sounds very comfortable. This means that it is often said that the power reserve of the power amplifier must be large in order to fully express the full meaning of the music, especially the low-frequency part of the music, which is more vivid and powerful. This is a better match. 3. If the rated impedance of the speaker is greater than the rated power of the power amplifier, although both can work safely, but the power amplifier is not enough to drive the power, it will feel that the loudness is insufficient, and it often appears that it has been turned to saturation and the distortion is increased. Can't help it. This is a poor match. 3. Matching according to the damping coefficient For the selection of a pair of hi-fi speakers, there should be the best specific resistance requirements (responsible speaker manufacturers should provide this data, referring to the requirements of the power amplifier damping coefficient. To be clear, if you want to match this Speakers, what is the required damping coefficient of the power amplifier?) In general, it is better to have a higher damping coefficient of the power amplifier. When the damping coefficient of the low-grade power amplifier is less than 10, the low-frequency characteristics, output characteristics, and high-order harmonic characteristics of the speaker will deteriorate. (The damping number of household power amplifiers is generally between tens and hundreds.) Fourth, the matching of wire Imported fever lines and nerve lines can cost as much as 10,000 yuan, followed by thousands to thousands of yuan (of course, there are also less than one hundred yuan). The use of the effect is a matter of opinion. Good wire will generally improve a system's deficiencies in audio equipment. Its transmission theory is too complicated to talk about and can only be briefly described. The material and structure of the transmission line determine three important parameters, namely resistance, capacitance, and inductance (as well as electromagnetic effects, skin effects, proximity effects, reactance, etc.). Do not look at the small gaps in these parameters, which will directly affect the frequency of the audio system. Characteristics, damping characteristics, signal rate, phase accuracy, as well as timbre orientation and sound field positioning, etc. Its main functions are high-speed transmission (reducing signal loss as much as possible), anti-vibration, anti-noise, and anti-interference (mainly radio frequency rf1 radio frequency interference and em1 electromagnetic wave interference, etc.). Use privileges
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