
Is the tube power amplifier easy to use?

by:Gisen     2020-06-20
Is the tube amplifier good? There are many modern music electronic devices, such as MP3, walkman, stereo, etc., which enriches our music world and also makes our lives more colorful. The amplifier is also a very useful music playback device, especially Tube amplifier, its playback sound quality is very high, and the listening effect is very good, so it is loved by the majority of enthusiasts. The tube amplifier is also called the tube audio power amplifier. Of course, it is a device that amplifies the volume, so is the tube amplifier? Let's talk in detail. Advantages: 1. The input dynamic range of the tube power amplifier is large, and the conversion rate is fast. 2. Most of the vacuum tube power amplification uses discrete components, manual wire bonding and welding, which has low efficiency and high cost. This is particularly evident in developed countries. 3. The open-loop index of the tube power amplifier is better than that of the transistor. It does not need to add deep negative feedback and can work stably without adding phase compensation capacitors, so its dynamic index is better. 4. The sound quality of the tube amplifier is soft and beautiful overall. More specifically, the low frequency sound of the tube amplifier is soft and clear, and the high frequency sound is delicate and clean. Representing human voice is its strength. 5. The treble of the tube machine is relatively smooth, with sufficient sense of air, and has a sound staining that is quite popular among people. The soft and slightly fuzzy sound is very beautiful. 6. The tube amplifier mainly caused the second harmonic of even number. This harmonic component is very flattering, just like adding rich overtone and beautifying the sound. Disadvantages: 1. The service life of the electron tube is low, and some technical indicators have dropped significantly after using for one or two thousand hours. 2. The tube amplifier consumes high power and often works in the Class A state, which reduces the efficiency, but there is basically no harmful sound quality factors such as transient intermodulation distortion, switching distortion and crossover distortion. 3. The tube amplifier has no advantage over the transistor amplifier in terms of weight, efficiency and life. 4. In use, the electron tube must have good ventilation and heat dissipation. Overheating of the temperature will inevitably shorten the life of the electron tube, so the electron tube should be kept as low as possible. 5. The electron tube is afraid of vibration, so it is also important to take anti-vibration measures to avoid vibration as much as possible. 6. When the cathode of the electron tube has not reached the required temperature, that is, a high-voltage power supply is added, its cathode will be damaged, which will shorten the life of the electron tube. 7. There is less sound detail and layering of tube amplifier. 8. Among the harmonics generated by the tube amplifier, the odd harmonic component is quite large, which will cause discomfort in hearing. 9. The internal resistance of the tube is large, and the damping coefficient of the tube amplifier is low, which is detrimental to the control ability of the speaker. Well, the above is a detailed introduction about the problem of the tube amplifier, which is summarized by the editor. This article gives separate explanations through the advantages and disadvantages. I believe that through this article, you can understand the tube amplifier more clearly. Features. After the 1980s, the quality of the tube amplifier has been improved to a certain extent, so it has won everyone's welcome. In fact, any kind of electronic music equipment has advantages and disadvantages, we just choose according to our needs. How long is the tube amplifier life? The service life of the tube power amplifier depends on the service life of the tube filament and the effective emission material of the cathode. Generally, it is used for 2 hours per day, not less than 10 years. How to extend the life of the tube power amplifier In use, the electron tube must have good ventilation and heat dissipation. The overheating of the temperature will inevitably shorten the life of the electron tube, so the electron tube should be kept as low as possible. The electronic tube is afraid of vibration, so it is also important to take anti-vibration measures to avoid vibration as much as possible. If these two points are achieved, the service life of the electron tube can be at least doubled. To this end, there should be a proper space around the tube equipment, especially above it, so as to have good convection ventilation, and if possible, a fan can be used to help dissipate heat. When the cathode of the electron tube has not reached the required temperature, that is, when the high-voltage power supply is added, its cathode will be damaged, and the life of the electron tube will also be shortened. Therefore, if the tube equipment has a preheating device, it must be used. For example, first turn on the filament low-voltage power supply to preheat, and then turn on the high-voltage power supply. If there is no preheating device, then don't rush to connect the input signal, you can turn off the volume to the minimum, wait for 20 to 30 minutes to turn on the machine and use it. If the bypass rectifier is used to supply the high voltage of the whole machine, it just provides a simple and effective high voltage delay. In addition, during normal use, do not switch the power frequently. Of course, if you design the tube circuit correctly and avoid misuse, you can prevent the tube from 'died early in life', and it should be normal for the tube to use thousands of listening hours. The most common errors in circuit design are the potential difference between the tube filament and the cathode is too high, the tube screen or curtain grid voltage is used to the maximum value, the tube filament voltage is too low or too high, and the improper installation position of the tube causes the electrode to overheat and high The power supply has no delay device, etc.
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