1U digital 4-channel high power amplifier
How many brands are marketed by Gisen Audio?
Guangzhou Gisen Audio Equipment Factory provides more than simply products and service; we boast an outstanding resume in attracting our personal sector. As a small company, We're competing against large brands with dedicated customers and boundless marketing and advertising budgets. We construct our own brand -Gisen Audio to get out there and allow our company to be seen and noticed. Our firm has attained long-term development in the past several decades. And our very own brands have helped to expand our worldwide appeal as a small organization.
With several productions bases, Gisen Audio supplies power amplifier in large quantity. Gisen Audio's professional power amplifier series contains multiple sub-products. we 4 channel dsp amplifier is produced under the international production standards. It is built to be water-resistant thanks to the stainless steel shell. our company enjoy a high status among consumers. Each channel has independent limiter and compressor, ensuring no interference caused by other channels.
our team aims to enhance the quality of life of our customers. Welcome to visit our factory!
With several productions bases, Gisen Audio supplies power amplifier in large quantity. Gisen Audio's professional power amplifier series contains multiple sub-products. we 4 channel dsp amplifier is produced under the international production standards. It is built to be water-resistant thanks to the stainless steel shell. our company enjoy a high status among consumers. Each channel has independent limiter and compressor, ensuring no interference caused by other channels.
our team aims to enhance the quality of life of our customers. Welcome to visit our factory!
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